High School Students, we are looking for your assistance as classroom volunteers. Duties include working with the students to learn the required prayers for their class, assisting the catechist and classroom assistant with various errands and other duties as required by your catechist. Classes will be Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:30 pm and Wednesday 6:00pm to 7:30 pm and/or 7:45 to 9:00 pm.
To volunteer, click here for the Volunteer Form, along with the Pledge, Expectations and other important information. You may email it to ckleber@allsaintsvillage.com or bring it to the office.
Also, make sure (parent and Prayer Worker) to join our Remind App class by sending @67ac4be to 81010 to stay up-to-date.
For more information, you may contact the Religious Education Office at 954-742-7742 or ckleber@allsaintsvillage.com